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Vaccine Ethics & Epistemology

For registration, please email Carline Klijnman at cklijnmaSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de


Kant On Epistemic Authority and Autonomy


The Epistemology of Vaccine Hesitancy


Cologne-Bochum Memory Workshop




The Epistemology of Probability and Risk Assessment

in person wokrshop @ University of Cologne
Nov 3 - 4, 2022

Thursday November 3, 2022

09.30   Welcome
09.35   Blome-Tillmann talk & discussion
10.35   Coffee Break
11.00   Weirich talk & discussion
12.00  Lunch Break
14.00   Hirvelä talk & discussion
15.00  Coffee Break
15:30   Navarro talk & discussion
16:30  End
19.30 Conference Dinner

Friday November 4, 2022

09.30  Maislinger talk & discussion
10.30  Coffee Break
11.00  Kyriacou talk & discussion
12.00  Lunch Break and End


Presented by CONCEPT & UFBA

Philosopher meets critics

++++ NEW YouTube series ++++

Our new roundtable series presents book authors within the scope of epistemology who meet their critics.
Our 16th workshop presents Endre Begby and his book Pejudice - A Study in Non-Ideal Epistemology published in April 2021 by Oxford University Press.

We invite the epistemology crowd to take part in the discussion and comment via YouTube, where the series will be aired.  

The easiest way to stay informed about air dates and the upcoming roundtables is to sign up at s.schmidt@uni-koeln.de.
We wont let you miss beat!



Doxastic Attitudes and Their Reasons

This conference will explore a variety of questions at the intersection of broadly doxastic attitudes (belief, credence, acceptance, opinion, expectation, presupposition, assumption, faith, the suspension of such states, etc.) and reasons for/against such doxastic attitudes. 

Organized by Paul Silva

Registration via E-Mail



Hybrid Workshop

The Epistemology of John Greco

This conference brings together leading philosophers to discuss John Greco's contributions to contemporary epistemology. This event is part of a series of activities promoted by CONCEPT to engage in debate on the main issues and problems of contemporary epistemology.

The number of participants is limited but you may join us via ZOOM.

Please register through s.schmidtSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de



Digital Talk Series

Cologne Knowledge Router

COLOGNE Knowledge Router is a monthly talk series presented by the Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition (CONCEPT). The team of CONCEPT invites Epistemologists to present a topic within the scope of traditional, social and formal epistemology. By including early career scholars as respondents, the COLOGNE Knowledge Router supports a horizontal knowledge transfer on all levels of experience. The main character of each meeting is an interactive discussion on the presented topic.

#9 - Nathan Ballantyne (Fordham University) with Do your own Research



Network meeting

Epistemic Meditations


We dare to go live with a small network meeting in Cologne.
Let's discuss epistemology.

CANCELLED - - - Dimensions of Epistemic Justification

26. - 27.03.2020

Neuer Senatssaal 

Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln

The distinction between propositional and doxastic justification for belief has been of undisputed theoretical importance in a wide range of contemporary epistemological debates. Yet there are a host of intimately related issues that have rarely, if ever, been discussed in connection with this distinction. For instance, the distinction not only applies to an individual’s beliefs, but also to group beliefs and to various other attitudes that both groups and individuals can take: credence, commitment, suspension, faith, and hope. Moreover, discussions of propositional and doxastic justification have rarely focused on broader meta-epistemological issues, and yet meta-epistemological positions can have important implications for first-order views about this distinction. In this conference, then, we bring together speakers that advance the state-of-the-art thinking on propositional and doxastic justification and explore how such thinking shapes and is shaped by a range of issues previously neglected (or under-addressed) in contemporary epistemology.

Cologne-Grenoble Philosophy of memory workshop

31.10 - 2.11.2019

Neuer Senatssaal 

Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln

Over the last several years, the philosophy of memory has grown into an extremely dynamic and active area. This workshop brings together researchers working on all aspects of the philosophy of memory.




Thinking about oneself: The Place and Value of Reflection

24. - 25.7.2019

Neuer Senatssaal 

Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln

Despite there being agreement among philosophers about some basic features of the human capability for reflection, there is much disagreement and debate about the nature and value of “reflective scrutiny” and the role of “second-order states” in everyday life. This problem has been discussed in a vast and heterogeneous literature about topics such as epistemic injustice, epistemic norms, agency, understanding, meta-cognition etc. However, there is not yet any extensive and interdisciplinary work, specifically focused on the topic of the epistemic value of reflection. The workshop aims at providing an innovative contribution, an exchange between philosophy, epistemology and psychology about the place and value of reflection in everyday life.

The Epistemology of Reasoning

27. - 29.6.2019

Ameron Hotel Regent

Melatengürtel 15
50933 Köln


Epistemologists have been trying to answer a variety of questions about reasoning. When and why does reasoning transmit knowledge and/or justification? Is knowledge closed under competent deduction? Which role does logic play in the normativity of reasoning? What kinds of attitudes can one reason from/to, and what are the standards with which to properly assess different types of reasoning? They have also addressed questions about the very nature of reasoning. Does reasoning necessarily involve one's taking the premises to give support to the conclusion? Does it consist in following rules? How should we distinguish between reasoning, on the one hand, and non-inferential transitions, on the other? This conference will address these and related questions.

Registration via E-Mail (s.schmidt@uni-koeln.de) by May 31.

For more information please go to:


Ethics and Belief


Universität zu Köln

Neuer Senatssaal


In our contemporary context, agents have morally problematic beliefs. They fail to credit reliable testifiers in some situations, and over-credit others. They generalize on salient but irrelevant features (such as race, sex, sexual orientation) and reach morally problematic conclusions. These beliefs wrong others. Recent work contends that (i) sometimes beliefs that harm may be epistemically well supported, (ii) because the beliefs cause harm, we ought not believe them, and – most controversially – (iii) we ought to rethink our notion of epistemic justification to reflect that moral concerns affect whether a belief is epistemically justified.


This conference will bring together leading voices within the debate on moral encroachment to discuss the ways in which moral requirements apply to belief, and whether these requirements conflict with epistemic requirements.


Questions to be addressed include:

  • Can moral demands on belief influence the epistemic status of the belief? 
  • How does moral evaluation of the belief affect the epistemic evaluation?
  • How should we conduct ourselves as epistemic agents?
  • Given that a society is structured by racist/sexist institutions, how does this impact what we should believe?
  • Are epistemic requirements also instances of moral requirements (as examples of testimonial injustice suggest)?
  •  Do we have greater responsibilities to believe socially disadvantaged individuals? 


Return of the Kantians - Kant and Contemporary Epistemology

29. - 31.5.2019

Universität zu Köln



The aim of the workshop is to foster the dialogue and exchange between Kant Studies and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy.  We thus invite submission from both Kant scholars interested in methods and questions in contemporary epistemology, and contemporary epistemologists with an broad interest in Kant’s philosophical contributions.

More inofrmation at: https://philevents.org/event/show/68802




Kritik der R(h)einen Vernunft

2. - 4.9.2018

Hilton Hotel Mainz & on the Rhine

Alter Senatssaal
University of Cologne


Recent Debates on Formal Epistemology

26. - 27.6.2018
Neuer Senatssaal
University of Cologne

No conference fee!

To register, please send an email to Sibel Schmidt (s.schmidtSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de) by May 14



Fake Knowledge

1. - 2.6.2018
Hopper Hotel et Cetera
Brüsseler Str. 26, 50674 Cologne

Each of us consumes a lot of information from sources of dubious reliability. Some such information is called 'fake news.' There is widespread agreement that the consumption of fake news is bad for democracy, but there is no consensus on what fake news is and the epistemology of fake news remains relatively underexplored. The goal of the conference is to investigate the phenomenon of fake news from an epistemological point of view.

No conference fee!

To register, please send an email to Sibel Schmidt (s.schmidtSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de) by May 21

More information at:

Rationality & Reasonableness

9. - 10.4.2018
Hopper Hotel et Cetera
Brüsseler Str. 26, 50674 Cologne

Many epistemologists and ethicists are interested in the norms of ideal rationality.  In contrast, many political and legal theorists are interested in the norms of reasonableness.  But how are these two sets of norms related to each other?  What does reasonableness have to do with ideal rationality, or vice-versa?  What can we do to keep our intuitions about one topic from illicitly regulating our theorizing about the other?  This workshop will address these questions, and their relation to current work in normative theory.

For registration send an email to
Sibel Schmidt (s.schmidtSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de)

DEADLINE: March 20, 2018

Imagination as a source of Knowledge

2. - 3.2.2018
Alter Senatssaal
University of Cologne

There has been an increasing interest in the epistemic powers (if any) of imagination in the contemporary literature. Many epistemologists now believe that imagination is not just a gateway to art and fantasy, but also (under certain conditions) a source of knowledge. And so, they have been addressing questions such as: Is imagination a good guide to possibility? Or: Are we warranted in judging that certain things are possible on the basis of imagining that they obtain? And, if imagination is indeed a good guide to possibility, what kind of possibility is it a good guide to?

Similary, it has been argued by some that we can also come to know the truth of counterfactual claims on the basis of imagination. But what conditions must be satisfied in order for imagination to make us warranted in believing that if such-and-such were case then so-and-so would be the case? This workshop will explore these and related questions.

Issues in Medical Epistemology

14. - 16.12.2017
Stadthotel am Römerturm
St. Apern Str. 32, 50667 Cologne

Starting in ancient Greece,medicine and Philosophy can look back at a long history of mutual interaction and enrichment, even if the professionalization of a philosophy of medicine with its own set of problems and methods had to wait until the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, especially central metaphysical and ethical question enjoyed considerable interest among many philosophers of medicine.

In recent years however, the situation has changed again and an increasing number of philosophers have devoted their attention to what they call an "epistemological turn" in current philosophy of medicine. More and more especially younger philosophers count themselves as specialists and active contributors to the broad and growing field of medical epistemology. Medical epistemology is meanwhile well on its way to address and discuss new methodological developments and substantial epistemological presuppositions which will shape recent and future trends toward both evidence-based and patient-centered medicine. At the conference we will explore an extensive set of problematics and theories based on this issue. 

More information at:

Center for Language, Information and Philosophy


Universität zu Köln
Seminargebäude (S26)

Peter Graham will be our guest at the upcoming CLIP event.

Professor Graham works in epistemology with connections to the philosophy of psychology and the philosophy of language, with strong interests in cognitive psychology, social psychology and social science.

More information at:




Issues in Philosophy of Memory

10. - 13.7.2017
Hopper Hotel et Cetera
Brüsseler Str. 26, 50674 Cologne
9:00 a.m

Philosophizing about memory is as old as philosophy itself. Despite the long tradition of inquiry, the philosophy of memory was until recently not recognized as an area of research in its own right. In recent years, however, the situation has changed markedly, and an increasing number of philosophers now count themselves as specialists in or active contributors to the philosophy of memory.

The philosophy of memory is well on its way to taking form as a distinct, coherent area of research, with a recognized set of problematics and theories.

The conference program is online now.

More Information on philevents.org.

Medical Epistemology Workshop

University of Cologne

Workshop on medical epistemology.